Wednesday, 4 February 2009


Iv been doing this ALL day and im really pleased with it! iv used the shape of 4 socks and produced a typeface, then i got 26 swatches from my sock and put the pattern behind each letter to make it more fun to give it some colour. i think they work really well but they might be a bit complicated in a childrens book, if i do use them in my 'Book of 100'.


Luke Hallam said...

this is BRILLIANT. You should just get this printed a1 gloss and have it as a print. One of your first pieces. I'd buy one haha

laurenforresterbagd said...

aaaha wicked! :D x

Alex Walter said...

excellent work. good use of previous module techniques learnt (typography). This could be the basis of your books title font, dependent on the books audience/content.

Could this be expanded to include capitals and glyphs?

Tomas Cummings said...

Loving the typeface! looks brilliant!
by the way couldnt find or know anyone who knew that cutout artists name.... but i know some socks you can watch... no really search sifl and ollie on youtube. you will laugh.....